Photo Of The Day: “What A Rush!” Contax T3

Good morning everybody. It seems as if I closed my eyes only for a short time and we’re back here in yet another October once again! Man, I can’t shake off this feeling of getting older! And I have to remind myself that I’m not THAT old yet!

Well anyway, I just went through three rolls of new images to review and some were good and some not so good. Hmm, kinda like the good old film days! ๐Ÿ™‚

In this set, only the bottom image “What A Rush!” is from the Contax T3. The B&W set is from another “mystery” camera ๐Ÿ™‚

The Contax T3 was, in its time considered “The Best Point & Shoot Camera In The World” and it’s got a tremendous, and yes, even legendary cult following even today.

Does it still deliver the goods? It sure does! It always delivered the goods, but it’s not without its faults as I’ll explain in future postings. Can it still hold on to its “top dog” title? I’m not so sure just yet!

Please do not think I’m jumping on the T3 bandwagon! I certainly could NOT get one at today’s prices. However, I’ve had mine since 2006 when they were MUCH more affordable. Though I may not like getting older, there are some perks to be a “veteran” camera freak I guess ๐Ÿ™‚

Had it all these years, somehow I never rushed to do a review on it. So you see friends, I’m not in this for any kind of blogging glory ๐Ÿ™‚

I just want to get out good information for you. Sorry if it takes a little longer than most bloggers. I’m just SLOW haha ๐Ÿ™‚

I got my images back from the Darkroom out in California and they did a mighty fine job. There’s a reason why people recommend them!

Though I wished their prices would be lower, I will say they can be recommended for film developing yes.

Anyway, it looks to be a busy month with lots to look at. Let’s hope I don’t burn out by the end of the first new review lol. Have a great week folks!

Ah friends, nothing quite as thrilling as working through another dusty, blurry roll of film ain’t it? ๐Ÿ™‚

“What A Rush!” 2018. Contax T3, Kodak Gold 200. Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines.

2 thoughts on “Photo Of The Day: “What A Rush!” Contax T3

  1. Yo bro! Love the T3 shots….I never sprung for one because I was looking at the Konica…which I never got anyway. LOL. Looking forward to your more in depth discussion.
    Hey I’ve been using the Darkroom and guess what. Their prices are 50% of the last roll I had developed at my local lab!! So I’m OK with them so far. Good quality which is the most important.
    PS Fred is having some focusing difficulty with a new camera and you may know why. I know you have struggled in this vein with certain cameras. Write and I will explain. Thanks bro…..hope we can meet at the show. I think it will just be Fred and I because Rad can’t get off any more days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Bro thanks for your comments! If the Darkroomโ€™s prices are better than your local lab then I guess itโ€™s ok! Sorry to hear about Fredโ€™s focusing woes. Maybe we can check it out at the show. Sorry too about Rad, miss that guy man! See you soon!


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